Board of Directors and Staff Members.


The OERB is governed by a 21-member board. Eighteen members are independent oil or natural gas producers, or representatives of major oil companies which do business in the state, all equally appointed by the Governor, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The independent producer and major oil company members of the Board appointed may appoint a maximum of three representatives from each of the following producer-related areas to serve as members of the Board:  one member from a royalty owner association and two members representing crude oil or natural gas purchasing companies. All members serve three year terms.

Staff Members

Portrait of Mindy Stitt

Mindy Stitt

Executive Director

Steve Sowers

Environmental Director

Dara McBee

Senior Director, Communications

Lisa Schwarz

Education Director

Melanie Voice

Industry Education Director

Portrait of Cheryl Standage

Cheryl Standage

Assessment Auditor/ PetroTech Coordinator

Brandon Sims

Enviromental Coordinator

Portrait of Viji Ayyaru

Viji Ayyaru


Portrait of Katie Kinmonth

Katie Dorsey

Assistant Director, Communications

Portrait of Nicole Keys

Nicole Keys

Education Coordinator

Portrait of Tawnni Klaus

Tawnni Klaus

Industry Education Coordinator