Female students reviewing data for class

Petroleum Land Management (PLM) scholarship.

The Meinders School of Business is a leader in preparing energy professionals for career advancement in the energy industry. Through their Executive & Professional Education Center and a partnership with Petroleum Education Workshops, they provide an opportunity for energy professionals to master the necessary information to advance their career.

Petroleum Land Management scholarship criteria.

  • Must be a current resident of the state of Oklahoma.
  • Applicant should have sufficient need for financial assistance.
  • Be an advocate of the oil and natural gas industry on- and off-campus, seeking opportunities to educate others about this important and exciting industry.
  • Enrolled in the Petroleum Land Management Certification Program at Oklahoma City University.

If you meet the above criteria for the PLM certification program, contact the following for a scholarship application:

Melissa Cory
Director of Communications & Continuing Professional Education
Oklahoma City University
2501 N. Blackwelder Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73106
[email protected]

Deadlines to apply are March 1, August 1 and December 1.

Program budget limitation.

It is understood that the scholarships offered and subsequent program development are subject to the OERB’s annual student education budget and any modifications thereof. The said student education budget and total amount of funding are dependent upon a voluntary assessment based on variable oil and natural gas prices and OERB refunds.