OERB Welcomes New Member to Board of Directors

April 14, 2021

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Joe BrevettiThe Oklahoma Energy Resources Board (OERB) is pleased to announce the appointment of Joe Brevetti to its board of directors.

Brevetti is the founder of Charter Oak Production Co., LLC and manages all aspects of oil and natural gas operations and development. With more than 40 years of experience in the industry, he started his career with Schlumberger Oilfield Services, working in various engineering roles throughout the U.S.

“The OERB reflects the dedication and commitment of the oil and natural gas industry in Oklahoma,” said Brevetti. “I’m pleased to be joining the board and look forward to helping further the mission of cleaning historic well sites and helping educate Oklahomans – from free classroom resources to workshops for producers.”

Brevetti has also served as an adjunct professor of petroleum engineering at the University of Oklahoma and has published several white papers in the field.

Created by the Oklahoma Legislature in 1993, the OERB is funded voluntarily by oil and natural gas producers and royalty owners through a one-tenth of 1% assessment on the sale of oil and natural gas. The OERB’s purpose is to conduct environmental restoration of historic well sites and to educate Oklahomans about oil and natural gas.