Tranquil summer landscape with beautiful river, woods, fields and green hills
Farmer surveying his land

Making the land useful again.

The people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas have voluntarily invested more than $160 million to clean up orphaned and abandoned well sites left by companies that no longer exist – more than 20,000 sites in all – at absolutely no cost to landowners.

This practical and economical four-step restoration process follows recognized environmental standards. Common restoration requirements include:

  • Removing or burying lease roads and location pads.
  • Removing equipment, concrete, trash and debris.
  • Repairing erosion and saltwater “scars” left on the land.
  • Treating hydrocarbons and closing pits.
Well site remnants

Do you know of an abandoned site? Register it for cleanup, free.

Over 700 projects have been referred for potential restoration but remain unclaimed by landowners. Abandoned well sites are approved for the OERB restoration program by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) and by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in Osage County.

Click here to register a well site for cleanup


Yellow excavator at well site surrounded by trees

Are you a contractor in Oklahoma?

The Oklahoma Energy Resources Board, an agency of the state of Oklahoma, contracts for reclamation/remediation work at abandoned oil field sites throughout the state. Projects generally include activities associated with cleanup of oil and gas exploration and production locations. Submittal of this application will assure access to upcoming projects with estimated costs greater than $50,000. These projects will also be publicly advertised in the county where the work will take place.