Partnering to make a difference.
Through partnerships with educational leaders, we are teaming up to bring robotics, coding and other STEM initiatives into the classroom.
Engage learning.
During the 2023-2024 school year, the people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas sponsored 90 STEM Maker Camps providing 1,583 students across 55 school districts in Oklahoma the opportunity to engage with hands-on activities that introduce them to circuits, coding and 3D design.
We will be continuing our partnership for the 2024-2025 school year! If you are a teacher interested in offering your students this amazing opportunity, reach out to Elisabeth Howell at [email protected] or by phone at 405-292-4797. Tell them we sent you!

KISS Institute for Practical Robotics.
The people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas are proud to sponsor KISS Institute for Practical Robotics, providing $100,000 to bring Botball and JBC Challenge to schools across Oklahoma this school year.
The Botball Educational Robotics Program engages middle and high school students in a team-oriented robotics competition, and serves as a perfect way to meet today’s new Common Core standards. By exposing students to an inquiry-based, learn-by-doing activity that appeals to their hearts as well as their minds, Botball addresses our nation’s need for a well-prepared, creative yet disciplined workforce with leadership and teamwork experience. Over 350 students from across the state participate in the Fall JBC event sponsored by the people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas.