Start your career in energy today.
From engineers to entry-level field positions, there are many open positions in Oklahoma oil and natural gas.
Those who work in oil field services play a key role in oil and natural gas exploration and production. Many oil field service careers begin as entry-level positions with opportunities to move up. Most field careers include great benefits like health and dental insurance and great pay. Employers will provide you with safety and on-the-job training. These roles can include: truck driver, floor hand, motor hand, derrick hand, driller and tool pusher. To find the perfect career for you, visit one of our many industry partner’s career pages using the links below.
Career Pages:
- Ascent Resources
- Canvas Energy
- Citation Oil & Gas
- Continental Resources
- Coterra Energy
- Devon Energy
- EOG Resources
- Expand Energy
- FourPoint Energy
- Gulfport Energy
- Mach Natural Resources
- Mewbourne Oil
- Ovintiv
- XTO Energy
Drilling Companies:
Employers: Contact [email protected] to add your company to the list!
Interested in oil and natural gas careers? Visit our career resources page or learn about our PetroTech Program.