OERB Plans More Spring Training Sessions for Educators

January 18, 2021

All News

The Oklahoma Energy Resources Board (OERB) is hosting new virtual professional development opportunities for teachers this spring. Made possible by funding from the people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas, the OERB is offering a new hybrid model that can help educators get new classroom materials and help keep their students engaged for the new semester and years to come.

Four two-hour Zoom workshops will be offered this spring. All sessions will provide hands-on lessons aligned to Oklahoma academic standards, materials and professional development hours. Educators who attend the virtual workshops will receive a kit with enough materials needed to complete the activities, in person or virtually. These workshops are smaller versions on the OERB’s typical full-day workshops, which are on hold due to COVID-19. Here are the spring workshop dates:

  • January 23
  • February 6
  • February 27
  • March 6

The energy education portion of the workshops is from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. All attendees will also have the option to stay on for an additional hour to receive “Tools for Teachers” training. This extra training session will provide educators with new tech skills and ideas to keep students engaged. This opportunity is customized for Oklahoma teachers by Oklahoma teachers through a partnership with Operation Engagement.

Space is limited, and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Teachers who complete the workshop will be credited with three hours of professional development. The workshop will provide teachers with tools and tips to get their students excited about learning virtually or in-person with technology.

For more information or to register, visit OERBHomeroom.com

The OERB is funded by the people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas through a voluntary one-tenth of 1% assessment on oil and natural gas production. Since 1993, the agency’s mission has been all about building a better Oklahoma through cleaning up historic well sites and providing education resources.