Tanks surrounded by fields of green crops and trees

About oil and natural gas production.

The oil and natural gas industry of Oklahoma is one of the most innovative, technologically advanced and environmentally responsible businesses on the planet.

Air, land and water.

The people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas understand the importance of caring for our air, land and water, and today’s technological advancements make it easier than ever before to ensure we are keeping our state safe for generations to come.

Horizontal drilling 101.

Horizontal drilling has changed the world. This allows Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas to unlock vast reserves of oil and natural gas while reducing emissions and our environmental footprint.

The development of steerable drilling systems in the 1980s and a series of enhancements that followed allowed drillers to start vertically, then “kick off” horizontally through thousands of feet of petroleum-rich shale. Since the late 1990s, these systems have continued to improve with ever-increasing accuracy and efficiency.

Horizontal drilling allows operators to efficiently produce energy resources while using fewer rigs and occupying less surface area. Wells can be drilled as much as 10,000 feet (approximately two miles) underground and another 10,000 feet (or more) horizontally – or lateral.

Watch the video below to learn more.

More resources here:

Hydraulic fracturing.

Hydraulic fracturing has been a critical part of oil and natural gas production for more than 50 years. It’s the process of using water, sand and additives to fracture shale rock formations, unlocking trapped oil and natural gas that would otherwise be impossible to reach.

The power of two technologies combined.

On its own, hydraulic fracturing made it possible to fracture shale formations to release their oil and natural gas at a given point and depth. But it was in 2006 when producers cracked the code. By combining hydraulic fracturing with horizontal drilling, they were able to access multiple layers of oil shale in several directions – through a common well. One horizontal well could do the work of several conventional vertical wells. This breakthrough signaled the beginning of the shale revolution.

Frequently asked questions.

  • The Oklahoma Corporation Commission is responsible for the regulation of oil and natural gas drilling and production, pipeline safety, petroleum storage tanks and filling stations, public utilities, trucking and railroad crossings. Through the Oil and Gas Conservation Division of the OCC, oil and gas well drilling is regulated in a manner that prevents waste, safeguards mineral property rights, protects the environment and ensures public safety.
  • View the Hydraulic Fracturing – Oklahoma Regulations factsheet

The SCOOP and STACK oil reserves.

The SCOOP (South Central Oklahoma Oil Province) and STACK (Sooner Trend Anadarko Canadian Kingfisher) are key oil reserves in Oklahoma’s Anadarko Basin.

Empowering Oklahoma through energy education.

Learn more about the ever-evolving story of Oklahoma’s oil and natural gas industry and its vital role in powering our state and nation. Through interactive modules and engaging tools, discover how energy shapes our modern way of life and the opportunities ahead for a sustainable, reliable future.